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Spinning dreams into reality

  • Susanne Buchner
  • 5 July 2024

Few artists embody the fusion of relentless passion, innovative sound, and heartfelt empathy like Deborah De Luca. From her monumental performance in Times Square to her tireless advocacy for animal welfare, De Luca has carved a unique niche in the electronic music scene.

Her journey is not just about beats and rhythms; it’s about breaking barriers, touching lives, and proving that music can be a universal language that unites diverse audiences across the globe. Join us as we delve into the world of Deborah De Luca, exploring her recent milestones, up-coming projects, and the profound impact she continues to make both on and off the stage.


Performing at Times Square was a historic event in Deborah De Luca’s career. The honour and responsibility of being the first woman and the second Italian, after Måneskin, to play at such an iconic location weighed heavily on her shoulders. “I believe that 90% of my stress for 2024 was concentrated on that event; but now after, it will be smooth sailing until December 31st!” De Luca reflects, underscoring the immense pressure of this epic moment.


The energy of the Times Square audience was incomparable to any other venue De Luca had performed at. Initially doubtful about the turnout, she was astonished to see 2,000 people gathered around her.

“Before starting, my manager asked me, ‘How many people do you think will come?’ I replied, ‘Zero.’ It was Tuesday at 5 PM, a busy workday in New York, and I couldn’t announce it more than 12 hours in advance. To see 2,000 people around me was a surprise that made me want to cry!” The diverse crowd, ranging from families and kids to older people, illustrated the universal appeal of music, transcending typical club environments. “Music is a universal language; no translation needed!”


De Luca’s summer festival schedule is packed, with highlights including Awakenings and Sound Waves. Asking which festivals she is most excited about this year and why, the artist answered full of elation.

That is a complicated question to answer! I’m looking forward to so many. But two festivals recently left me speechless: Saga Festival in Romania and EDC Las Vegas.”


Preparing for back-to-back festival performances, De Luca admits she doesn’t have a specific regimen. “The truth is, I don’t prepare. I’ve made a lot of music from October until now, with an album of 21 tracks and another 20 unofficial remixes that I can’t release. I’ll be travelling with all my music, and making sure I have litres of Gatorade because it will be very hot in the clubs and festivals this summer!”


Despite having just released an album, De Luca is unstoppable.

“In theory, after an album, you should take a break, but I can’t! ‘Mira’ came out 10 daysago with Frankyeffe, ‘Planets Alignment’ will be released soon, and shortly after, my remix for Emma Marrone, a magnificent Italian pop star whom I adore even outside of work! And I feel like making another album! I have so many ideas, really many. It’s the result of coming out of a very complicated period in my private life.”


“Hard Pop”, De Luca’s much-awaited studio album, stands as a significant and important project, blending pop elements with her signature techno sound. This fusion aims to reach a broader audience, including those who don’t frequent clubs, creating music that resonates with children and adults alike.

“Hard Pop was a very important project for me, possibly the most important. I wasn’t afraid of feedback from insiders; I didn’t make music for “the market” but created these 21 tracks in a way that fully represented me. I am both hard and pop."

"My long-standing obsession with mixing completely different genres produces a sound which reaches those who don’t frequent clubs, and that has always been my goal. It’s nice to see that even children and adults (older than me) listen to my music!”


Maintaining physical health amidst a demanding career is crucial for De Luca. She and her tour manager strive to eat healthily, exercise, and avoid alcohol. They prioritize rest, even if it means sleeping before shows. Reflecting on her past health struggles, De Luca emphasizes the importance of a positive mindset in healing.

“My tour manager and I try to eat healthy, and do some training (at least on Fridays before the evening, because on Saturdays we are zombies). We don’t drink alcohol and try to sleep before shows, even if it’s 8 PM. We rest as much as possible. Regarding the illness I had, the tumor, I have never been one to get discouraged. When I found out, I had surgery and 5 days later I was on a flight to Saudi Arabia; I wouldn’t have cancelled the show. My tour manager gave me the necessary injections! I believe the mind does 80% of the healing work. It’s important not to get discouraged because you need enough energy in your body to fight through difficult moments.”


As De Luca ages, she becomes more conscious of her physical and mental well-being. She prioritizes rest, avoids social media before shows, and ensures she’s well-rested to remain productive and serene.

“With age, I feel tired differently, so I try to not strain my body. I try to rest whenever I can, even just a 40-minute nap. Before shows, I leave my phone on the nightstand, avoiding social media to rest my mind as well as my body. The more rested you are, the more productive and serene you are!”


Balancing her music career with advocacy work, particularly for animal welfare, is deeply personal for De Luca. She manages to find time for important causes, with assistance from a dedicated team.

“There is always time for important things. If someone tells you ‘I didn’t have time,’ it’s because they weren’t interested enough. I manage many things outside of my DJ work, but I must say, I get help. I have several people to help manage everything, for example, for the dogs, I have two specific people who take on a big part of the workload. Because time and sleep are the most precious things! And I need both to keep doing what I do.”

Looking ahead, De Luca feels she has achieved all her dreams. From buying a house for her parents to living on the beach, she is content with what she has accomplished.

“Last week in Ibiza at 7 AM, after the night at Amnesia, a friend asked me what I dream of and want from life. I didn’t know how to answer because I realized all my dreams; I have everything! My first dream was to buy a house for my parents, which I did 9 years ago. Then, I dreamed of living on the beach, which I managed the following year. Now, I don’t ask or expect anything; everything that comes is a gift! I am very grateful for life. Even before this job, I was grateful to be born in a free country, to always have had a roof over my head, food, and the opportunity to study. I am grateful to have a family that is doing well and many friends. It may seem obvious, but to me, it is not."

"Travelling the world, I often found myself dealing with complicated realities where people didn’t have food or shelter. All the things that seem normal to us might not be so normal for everyone. But you don’t need to travel to understand that; just open social media. The war in Syria, Ukraine, Gaza... things we think don’t concern us because they are far away, but it’s not like that, it should concern us all.”

De Luca’s next dream is to have a farm and create a safe haven for animals, reflecting her deep compassion for all living beings.

“One dream I have and am realizing is having a farm, saving animals, not just dogs, because I don’t see a difference between a dog and a pig or a cow—they are not food!”

As Deborah De Luca continues to inspire with her relentless passion, dedication to music, and profound empathy, she proves to be so much more than “just a DJ”. Her tireless activism and heartfelt commitment to making the world a better place set an example we can all aspire to.

De Luca is not just an icon in the electronic music scene; she is a beacon of hope and positivity, demonstrating that with determination and compassion, we can all make a significant impact.

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