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Fafi Abdel Nour

Preserving house music, navigating queer spaces, and embracing the past

  • Sergio Niño
  • 6 August 2024
Fafi Abdel Nour

Let´s dive deep into the world of Fafi Abdel Nour—a true champion of old school house music and a trailblazer in creating inclusive queer spaces. If you’re passionate about music, history, and community, you’re in for a treat. Buckle up as we explore how Fafi is bridging the gap between classic and modern beats, all while navigating the complexities of coming out and fostering a vibrant queer scene in smaller cities.

A Love Affair with the Past: Fafi’s Journey with Old School House

Fafi Abdel Nour isn’t just a DJ—he’s a musical historian with a deep-seated love for the old school house sound.

“The nineties house movement was more than music; it was a lifeline for marginalized groups,” Fafi shares.

For him, this era represents empowerment and community, something he deeply connects with. As a teenager newly out as gay, finding acceptance was tough. But then, Fafi stepped into a proper club for the first time, and it was like a revelation. That night wasn’t just about beats; it was about finding a place where he belonged, and it ignited a passion that turned into a lifelong journey

So, why is Fafi so obsessed with digitizing old records? Simple: preservation.

“Some of my records were starting to wear out,” he explains. “I knew I had to act fast.”

In a world that’s increasingly digital, keeping these musical treasures alive is crucial. Fafi’s process is all about ensuring these sounds—so vital to house music’s history—don’t fade into obscurity.

“Digitizing these records means we’re preserving a piece of music history,” he says.

Now, let’s talk shop. Fafi’s approach to digitizing is both art and science. He starts by cleaning his records with a Degritter MKII, a top-of-the-line ultrasonic cleaner. Then, using a high-end needle and his AlphaTheta Euphonia Mixer, he records the tracks.

The magic happens as one record is being cleaned, another is being recorded into Audacity, and a third is edited in Ableton. It’s a seamless process that ensures each record’s unique sound is captured and preserved.

But Fafi isn’t stuck in the past. He’s a gadget enthusiast who loves integrating modern tech into his sets.“CDJs are my go-to,” he says. “They are the ultimate DJ gadget to play around with. The options it offered made me switch from playing vinyl to USB. I started to use Hot Cues to jump around in tracks and the visual overview helped for a better overall understanding. It’s a digital approach to the old school ways!”

It’s a blend of tradition and innovation that keeps his sets fresh and exciting.


Fafi’s coming out story is one of bravery and transformation. Arriving in the Netherlands, his family’s strong Christian background initially provided stability. But by the age of sixteen, Fafi felt a disconnect.

“Christianity didn’t give me hope anymore,” he explains.

This led him to underground clubs and parties where he discovered a new sense of freedom. These spaces weren’t just about music; they were about community and acceptance.

“Music became a way to unite people,” he says.

“It felt so empowering and realized that music was the ultimate way to unite people from different cultures and backgrounds. Those underground parties made me realize that clubbing can mean so much more than the pointless booze bender it usually is”.

These experiences shaped his understanding of clubbing as a powerful form of expression.

Coming out wasn’t easy for Fafi. His parents, initially unable to accept his sexuality, struggled with the concept.

“They once said, ‘Homosexuality doesn’t exist in Syria,”- Fafi recalls.

But as they encountered stories from Syrian refugees, their views began to shift.

“Since then, they started working as interpreters for hospitals, legal cases, asylum seekers. Also for Syrian refugees who fled because of their sexuality. My parents were continuously confronted with stories about being gay in Syria and gradually, the conversation between us became more open and free. It was a long journey but I am grateful to now be in a position where my family has become so open-minded and fully accepts me for who I am”.

This gradual acceptance was a long and challenging journey but ultimately led to a more supportive family environment.


Fafi’s experiences have profoundly influenced his music and performance style.

“Creating inclusive spaces has become a cornerstone of my work,” he says.

His sets and productions are infused with a commitment to representation and community, reflecting his personal journey and the broader message of acceptance.

Fafi’s dedication to organizing queer club nights in smaller cities is a testament to his commitment to community.

“Growing up in Groningen, I felt a lack of queer spaces. Many inclusive venues had closed, leaving a gap in the local scene”.

To fill this void, Fafi co-founded Butts, a bimonthly club night aimed at bringing the queer community together.

“It’s crucial to keep these spaces alive,” he says. “They might be someone’s first experience with the liberating culture of nightlife.”

“Clubs are places where people exchange ideas and challenge their thoughts”.

Beyond providing an inclusive dance floor, Butts hosts workshops, screenings, and discussions.

“We need to actively work to make clubs inclusive for everyone,”

By fostering a welcoming environment, Fafi is helping to keep the spirit of electronic dance music’s origins alive and relevant.


Fafi’s message to the queer community is one of unity and celebration.

“In unity, we find strength and support,” he says.

“Let’s continue to celebrate our differences and uplift each other.”

Through his work, Fafi Abdel Nour exemplifies how music and activism can intersect, creating vibrant spaces where everyone feels valued and represented.

So there you have it! Fafi Abdel Nour is not just preserving the legacy of house music but also creating inclusive spaces that resonate with the spirit of community and acceptance. His journey is a powerful reminder of how music and personal experiences can intertwine to create something truly special. Keep an eye on this incredible artist—he’s making waves in more ways than one!

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