Get To Know - Mha Iri

In 2024, Mhairi has been riding a wave of success and creativity. With a series of electrifying gigs, new tracks that showcase her best work yet, and the exciting opportunity to remix one of her favourite artists, it's clear that Mhairi's year has been nothing short of remarkable. As summer approaches, she shares how the festival season influences her sound, the inspirations behind her music, and her experiences working with renowned labels like Trick and Drumcode. Join us as we dive into her journey, upcoming projects, and what makes her unique in the ever-evolving music scene.
Hey Mha Iri, how has your 2024 been so far?
It's been a really great year thanks. I'm really excited as I've had the opportunity to remix one of my favourite artists which will be announced soon and I've finished lots of new tracks that I feel are my best yet. I've also had a string of amazing gigs with a nice busy calendar so I feel really fortunate and thankful for that.
Summer is here soon, how does that impact what you make and play?
Due to playing a number of festivals I feel what I play becomes a bit more emotive and expressive as there are a few tracks that really have a festival vibe and don't feel appropriate for a nightclub.The music I make doesn't really change much as I just write what I'm feeling in the moment rather than based on the season.
What mostly inspired your sound coming up in the scene? Was it a local scene, peers, your favourite dis and labels, and if so who are they?
I was inspired by a number of envelope pushing producers such as Joyhauser and Metodi Hristov. I really love artists that have their own sound and aren't afraid to innovate.
How did you hook up with Trick for the upcoming release? What has it been like working with the boss Patrick Topping?
I wasn't sure what label would fit my style but I noticed that Trick is open to a number of styles while staying true to a high quality sound. I've always felt that Patrick is a genuinely nice bloke and he's very supportive of other artists by taking them under his wing. For me Trick seemed like the best option and my management put it forward, luckily Patrick really liked it and here we are.
Tell us about the vocals you have done for the Take My Love EP - do you ad lib or pre-write lyrics?
I always pre-write lyrics with some form of theme in mind which is connected to the feel of a track. I wrote Take My Love about 6 years ago and recorded the vocals then but I never felt it was at the right level for a release. I then reworked it earlier this year and changed the kick bass to a donk and it just worked. I'm really happy to be able to use my vocals like this in a track as I haven't done much full on singing in any of my other tracks so it's really nice to be able to express this side of myself.
Does the content of the lyrics matter or is it more about the sounds?
It's half and half. For me it's important that there is an overall message in the lyrics and that I'm expressing that, but it's also important to have the right rhythm or melody in the vocals so that they catch the listener and work in tandem with the track.
You have also got music coming on Drumcode, a remix, how different do you approach remixes than originals?
With originals I am free to really do whatever I want however with a remix I have the approach of taking my favourite elements from the track and bringing my own flavour whilst honouring the original work of the artist who wrote it. I'm super honoured and excited to be able to remix the artist who requested it from me as I really respect him and love his music. The announcement on this will be coming soon.
What is it about producing that gives you the most enjoyment and why?
I love the fact that you never stop learning. You can be producing for a decade and still learn something new or try a different technique every time you work on a project. Then when speaking to other producers, especially those that are self taught, you realise that everyone has their own methods and has different knowledge on things that you might still not know about, so we can always learn from one another too.
What else have you got coming up this year that you can share?
I'm really excited to be playing on the main stage of Awakenings and at Tomorrowland which is an absolute dream come true for me.
What was the last record you heard that really blew your socks off?
Rave in Parvati by Auriga (SP) is absolutely quality and gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it and play it at gigs.